State of Michigan

County of Oakland

On this 22nd day of June AD One Thousand Eight hundred and eighty personally

appeared before me deputy clerk of the circuit court of Oakland County- a court of record

within and for the county and state aforesaid John M Baird aged 54 years a resident of the

township of Holly, County of Oakland, State of Michigan Who being duly sworn

according to law,Claims that he is the identical John M Baird who was enrolled on the

19th day of September 1861 in the regimental Band of the first Cavalry Regiment

commanded by (?. ?.) Broadhead and was honorably discharged at or north city of

Washington DC on the 14th day of September 1862; That his personal description is as

follows; Age 54 years, hight five feet 7 1/2 inches; complexion light, hair light eyes blue.

That while a member of the organization aforesaid in the service and more than in the line

of his duty, near Woodstock in the state of Virginia on or about the 26th day of April

1862 he was injured under the following circumstances and in manner here in after stated;

Major (Towns) at the time above ------ was in command of I think the first battalion of our

regiment, before the first battle of Winchester VA March 23rd 1862 he sent for

Volunteers from the band to join his command in the front. Three of us, Charles Sheldon,

George ( Leline) and myself members of the band went with him in the fight and in the

charge after the confederates gave way, we were with the Major and his service several

times after. we were in the charge an during in (Lury Valy) State of Virginia, Also when

the forward movement of the army was made from Woodstock up the Valy towards

Harrisonburg the three band volunteers were in the ranks with the fighting boys and doing

the duties of common soldiers in ----- service. The band non-combatants remained at

Woodstock. we had been on the march about an hour. Had gone out of town some five

miles. When a mounted messenger came dashing along from the front and just before

coming up to us his horse took fright at something and dashed headlong into the column.

I was the unlucky one for the horse plunged against me sticking my right leg just below

the knee jambing it between his shoulder and my saddle and horse in a wicked manner

almost ----ing it and ------ing the large blood vessel of my leg below the knee. I was taken

back to Woodstock. That he was treated in the hospital there for several days then the

band boys took me to there quarters. There I was treated from the hospital and the

regimental surgeon for several months being moved in an ambulance as the army moved

after Hamburg and back with General Banks in his famous retreat out of the Shannandoah

Valley, kept with the command until discharge which was a few days after the second Bull

Run fight doing but ---- little duty the time ---- ----- crutches.

That he has been employed in the military Service otherwise than as stated above, he

recruited for the 8th Michigan regiment. Was mustered out into the service March 26th

1863 as first Lieutenant in Company K regiment Commander John Stockton. and was

honorably discharged or mustard out of service July 20th AD 1865 at Pulaski, Tennessee.

That since leaving the service this applicant has resided the most of the time in the

township of Holly in the state of Michigan and his occupation as been that of an insurance


That prior to his entry into the service above named he was a man of good sound physical

health being. When enrolled a carpenter and (joiner). That he is now totally disabled from

obtaining his substance by manual labor by reasons of his injuries above described,

received in the service of the United States; And he therefore makes this declaration for

the purpose of being placed on the invalid pension roll of the United States.

He hereby appears with full power of substitution and revocation ----- P Wat---- of Holly,

Oakland county state of Michigan his -ine and lawful Attorney to prosecute his claim, that

he has not received or applied for a pension That his post Office address is Holly county of

Oakland State of Michigan .

John M Baird

wit: Fred Wat(sons)

James A Cummins

Also personally appeared Jas H Cummins residing at Holly Michigan and John (Evans)

residing at Holly Michigan persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit

and who being by me duly sworn --- they were present and saw John M Baird the claimant

sign his name to the foregoing declaration; that they have reason to believe from the

appearance of said claimant and their acquaintance with him that he is the identical person

he represents himself to be. and they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim.

James H Cummins

John Evans

<seal> Signed by county clerk Fred W ? date June 1880